We've been told that good governance in business families is a central pillar to ensuring a long lasting family legacy, generation over generation. Having robust governance structures aims to help families meet regularly, align on key issues, better understand their...
What are Guiding Principles?
Why Does Every Family Need Them? You know that family governance document that you have in the filing cabinet; how often have you looked at it in the last year? I’m guessing not much, if at all, and without knowing what’s in there, I don’t blame you. The truth is,...
The Emotional Habits That Can Undermine A Family Business
Have you ever wondered why you behave in a certain way? Harmful behaviours can often be traced back to childhood and parental influence.
Can You Spot The Red Flags?
Red flags in relationships are valuable warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored. Here is our guide to to help you spot them in your own family business.
Whose Your ‘CEMO’?
Managing a family’s emotional health is as important as managing your family’s financial wealth. It takes a collected effort to ensure the safety of both.
Backseat Driver’s
Irritating, controlling, distracting; nobody likes a backseat driver. Yet if we are honest, we are all guilty of being one at times.
What’s Your Secret?
Family business is complex, but it doesn’t have to be hard. The roadmap to family harmony lies in imagining what is possible.
Discover What’s Possible
Chasing the next dollar is a never ending race that at best, leaves you exhausted, and at worst imprisons you. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
How Prepared Are You?
What does it mean to be prepared to either let go or take over your family business?
How To Influence Effectively
How often do you pay attention to what you believe or why you behave a certain way?
The Truth Agent
It was such a huge honour to have been featured in this month’s issue of The CEO Magazine.
United through Emotion
Although the death of the Queen has been one of the most planned-for events in our history, the one thing that can’t be planned for is how we feel when we experience a loss.