Dec 4, 2022

The Truth Agent

The CEO Magazine has always been a publication that I have admired for its valuable insights to the business world, so to be featured in this month’s issue is a huge honour. Here I share why I am so passionate about helping family-owned businesses create an environment of emotional safety, and why truthful honest conversations are the key to continued success.

Backseat Driver’s

Irritating, controlling, distracting; nobody likes a backseat driver. Yet if we are honest, we are all guilty of being one at times.

What’s Your Secret?

Family business is complex, but it doesn't have to be hard. The roadmap to family harmony lies in imagining what is possible.

Discover What’s Possible

Chasing the next dollar is a never ending race that at best, leaves you exhausted, and at worst imprisons you. But it doesn't have to be this way.

United through Emotion

Although the death of the Queen has been one of the most planned-for events in our history, the one thing that can’t be planned for is how we feel when we experience a loss.

What Price Are You Willing To Pay?

This week I had a call with a client who was battling with their need to ‘fit in’. Plagued by the confines and expectations of being part of a ‘wealthy’ family, they had created a false sense of ‘belonging.’

What’s The Biggest Risk to Your Family?

There is one common denominator in the family business system — the human being within the system. Humans have this funny thing called feelings, and feelings, (which are irrational most of the time) show up at times and create chaos and disharmony within the entire system.


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